LMD Celebrates Women’s History Month with a Salute to Admiral Linda L. Fagan
As a women-owned small business, LMD is always proud to celebrate Women’s History Month. There are so many amazing women throughout history who deserve to be celebrated and honored for their remarkable achievements. Whether their stories are a footnote in history or a full chapter, each of them had a hand in building a brighter, more equitable, and more promising future for new generations.
To celebrate Women’s History Month at LMD, we don’t have to look far for inspiration. We’re surrounded by incredibly talented, trailblazing women. Among them is Admiral Linda Fagan, the first female Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. At LMD, we have the honor of serving the Coast Guard recruitment program. And when your day-to-day work involves serving an agency led by Admiral Fagan, it’s impossible to not be inspired! Not only is she the first woman to lead the Coast Guard, she’s also the first woman in history to lead any branch of the U.S. military. Her rise through the Coast Guard ranks to such a consequential achievement will become another great chapter in our nation’s history.
It’s not just her accomplishments that inspire. It is also Admiral Fagan’s dedication to uplifting, encouraging, and supporting others to follow their dreams and reach for the stars. Admiral Fagan is a powerful voice for diversity, bringing to the Coast Guard her vision to create services opportunities not only for women, but for all who want to pursue a life of service.
Her quote in this New York Times feature story published last year conveys a powerful message that LMD wholeheartedly embraces. “Diverse work teams just outperform nondiverse work teams.”
At LMD, our culture of inclusion becomes stronger and more meaningful through our client relationships, because in working together, their experiences become part of who we are, as well. When we surround ourselves with inspiring leaders and all those whose values we share, we are a better agency.
Thanks to our client relationship with the U.S. Coast Guard, Women’s History Month 2023 will be among the proudest chapters in LMD’s history. During her State of the Coast Guard address this month, Admiral Fagan launched the new recruiting command brand and unveiled the new USCG recruiting website GoCoastGuard.com, designed by LMD to maximize recruiting efforts. It was an exciting moment for our team, and an incredible honor to support Admiral Fagan and her team. LMD is also proud to be the only woman-owned small business currently leading a military recruitment campaign and we’re grateful for the opportunity to support the Coast Guard in its critical mission to ensure the nation’s maritime safety, security, and stewardship.
In celebration of her service to our country, her inspiring leadership, her courage and conviction, and the hope she offers to future generations, we salute Admiral Linda L. Fagan, the 27th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard and the first woman in history to lead a military branch!