FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! How to Keep Your Strategic Planning Meetings on Track
When it comes to strategic planning meetings, it can be hard to keep your team focused. A lot of decisions need to be made in a short amount of time, and even with a meeting agenda, things can still get derailed. How can we help ourselves, or lead our group, to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions that advance our strategic goals?
4 Tips From Journalism We Can Use in Change Management
Everything I learned about change management, I learned in journalism school. You may be asking yourself what writing and editing have to do with change management—and I admit, I didn’t necessarily think change management was in my future when I took Magazine Editing 101 as a journalism student nearly two decades ago.
Look Beyond the Resume: How to Truly Connect with Job Candidates
The hiring process doesn’t have to be painful. By being attentive, intentional, and personal, you can find candidates who will not only excel in their new position but also mesh perfectly with your team.
Reality vs. Fantasy: How the Pandemic is Portrayed in Media and Advertising
COVID changed the way we interact with each other—and it also changed the way we consume media.
Why Silos are the Enemy of CX
We're now living in the experience economy, where a customer's memorable experience becomes the product. But if experience = the product, then what creates the experience?