What is Rainbow-Washing?
It sounds cute, but it’s anything but. Rainbow-washing is a form of performative activism that is designed to pander to the LGBTQ+ audience and allies, while not actually engaging in meaningful dialogue and in some cases, even hiding harmful behavior.
The Do’s & Don’ts of Marketing to the Transgender Audience
Did you know that approximately 1 million people in the United States identify as transgender? “Approximately” is an important qualifier: the population size of transgender people is not well known, at least in part because the U.S. Census does not include data on gender identity.
4 Tips From Journalism We Can Use in Change Management
Everything I learned about change management, I learned in journalism school. You may be asking yourself what writing and editing have to do with change management—and I admit, I didn’t necessarily think change management was in my future when I took Magazine Editing 101 as a journalism student nearly two decades ago.
Should You Use Memes in Your Marketing?
Thanks to social media, our collective lexicon is evolving at the speed of light. The best example of this is the pandemic meme.
Engaging Youth in Cause-Based Marketing
Youth activism has always been a driving force for change. Recognizing this passion, many cause-based organizations want to harness the insights and opinions of young people and give them the tools to promote their cause.
Crisis Management: Stay Ready, So You Don’t Have to Get Ready
Let’s face it: communications work and crisis management (unfortunately) go hand-in-hand. Whether the crisis is as small as a glitch in the server of a small business, or as big as Southwest Airlines canceling over 2,000 flights in 3 days, at some point in your career, you’ll have to deal with a crisis.
What Will You Do When Cookies Crumble?
Over the past few years, advertisers have become used to having access to user data to easily target nearly any audience segment online based on their specific behaviors and interests—all with just a few clicks. But a study by Pew Research Center found that 81% of people feel the potential risks of the data collection that powers these advertising capabilities outweigh the benefits.
Partner Up! The Power of Government Partnerships
What do American Airlines, NASCAR, and Kohler have in common? They all partner with the federal government to support missions that are bigger than their companies’ bottom lines.
7 Simple Ingredients for Viral Success
I started playing Wordle 30 days ago, and it has renewed my faith in humanity.