Being Creative with Creatives

Have you ever noticed how nice the life of a marketing and communications person is in the movies?

Any time I see a writer in the movies, they’re usually working from an all-windowed office in a palatial country home. They have all the time in the world and often, as they work, laugh joyfully when creating something clever (Something’s Gotta Give has all these elements). Graphic artists just whip up their work—usually presenting only one design, because they know it’s “the one.” Television reporters always have multi-person crews and seemingly no deadline.

Why do movies do that? Perhaps a fellow creative behind the scenes is offering the fantasy life they wish they had. Or it could be that the movie’s producers think actual marketing and communications work isn’t very exciting to show. Maybe they think audiences would be bored to tears if they saw what the creative process really looks like.

Talk about a lack of creativity on their part.

Does a writer’s life involve updating software and looking up grammatical rules? Yeah, sure. But it also involves explaining a complicated concept better than anyone ever has before. Using just the right words to get across how fascinating something really is. You’re attracting someone’s attention in the middle of a distracting world. You’re making someone care.

A graphic artist does the same thing with images. Watching one design their way through different concepts is amazing. I’d love to watch that in a movie.

You can find these creatives and more at LMD, designing campaigns that both speak to millions and serve as catalysts for long-lasting, positive societal changes. That sounds interesting to me!  And you can see how exciting creativity can be when you work with LMD to promote your organization.

Movies are typically made for entertainment. They’re sensationalized looks at the real world, and that’s okay. If you want more reality, watch a documentary. But…I would ask Hollywood to dig just a little deeper. You’re missing out on some incredibly interesting content right there under your nose. Heart-pounding, tear-jerking, laugh-inducing—these all make regular appearances in the creative process. Give it a chance, Hollywood—you won’t be disappointed!

(The writer pulls the story from the typewriter. He nods, grins, and sets it on the corner of his antique mahogany desktop. Caressing a cup of coffee, he stands from behind his desk, moves to his picture window, and watches the Malibu waves lap against the shore.)


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