Accessibility for All
You may have heard the term “508 compliant.” But what exactly does that mean?
The Language of Inclusivity
You’ve probably heard or maybe even used the phrase “No comments from the peanut gallery!” It means that the speaker doesn’t want to hear petty criticisms from the audience. Or how about describing someone who’s a little arrogant or full of themselves as “uppity”? Perhaps you’ve heard a lawmaker say that a new ruling doesn’t apply to a particular organization because it’s been “grandfathered in.”
How to Write for Social Media
Rather than thinking of social media posts as a full content piece, think of them as an advertisement or taste of your brand.
“So What?”: 3 Ways to Craft Better Marketing Messages
As marketers, it's our responsibility to form a deep understanding of the products and services we promote. It's this understanding that (in theory) helps us create more compelling ways to appeal to customers and help them make informed buying decisions.
Can We Have a Word? Celebrating the Language of 2021
Language, like all natural things, is ever evolving. The way we speak and write today differs vastly from how people strung words together even a few short generations ago. “Four score” becomes “80,” trendy sayings displace dated idioms. Keystrokes supplant cursive. New replaces old.
Treat Your Website Like An Employee–Not a Filing Cabinet
How can you avoid this problem? By thinking of your website as an employee vs. a piece of office furniture. Just like your employees, your website should add value to your business. But to get the best work from your employees, you need to treat them right.
Should You Use Memes in Your Marketing?
Thanks to social media, our collective lexicon is evolving at the speed of light. The best example of this is the pandemic meme.
Avoid Accessibility “Red Flags” When Communicating with Emojis
f you’re active on social media, you’ve probably seen the “red flag” meme that’s been going around recently—the one with all of those red flag emojis.