LMD—Our History Told Through Logos

As LMD continues to grow and evolve, we understand that our brand must evolve with us. With our recent leadership transition and new strategic business focus as a change agency, we felt it was time for some serious self-reflection about our brand identity. Did our logo represent us as we are today--specifically, our direction, our innovative thinking, and our core capabilities? In short, the answer was no.

Over the past four decades, we have gone through three major logo modifications, each reflective of design trends of the day and LMD’s mission and offerings at that time. Our last rendition served us well for over 18 years and was modeled after a seal of approval that guarantees trusted products and services.

When approaching our most recent redesign, our objective was simple—to develop a mark that’s creative, flexible, scalable, adaptive, and, most importantly, aligns with our offerings and brand personality.

  • TYPOGRAPHY: The font used for the letters “LMD” needed to be solid and strong to embody our history, resilience to adversity, and commitment to our clients and causes. It also needed to have a progressive edge that matches our strategic thinking and creative solutions. In the end, we used Montserrat as the foundational font as it possessed all the desired qualities.

  • CONCEPT: To best capture the spirit of our brand visually, we slightly modified the letters, with the most dramatic modifications reserved for the “bookend” letters “L” and “D”. The strong diagonals play off the “M,” deliberately leading the eye upward to the right to convey energy, forward movement, optimism, and upward growth. The “D” is joined with “M” to represent our integrated approach to the solutions we develop for our clients. To symbolize open-mindedness, opportunities, and new possibilities, we left a negative space at the top of the “D”.

  • COLOR: Color has deep meaning and can evoke strong emotions--and strong personal reactions. We challenged ourselves to keep our color choices simple but purposeful. We landed on a primary color scheme of just two colors, a rich, inky black and a vibrant green. Like type in the morning newspaper, the black represents our humble beginnings as a weekly community publication founded over 40 years ago. The green represents our future—health, vitality, opportunity, and growth. For versatility and creativity, alternative versions of the logo include textures, imagery, art, and even motion.

LMD is an agency of multitalented, seasoned professionals, all dedicated to bringing about positive change. Inspired by our people and our passion, our new mark was born.

Like LMD’s brand identity, every logo has a story. But consider this: At the end of the day, it’s the interpretation and impression your logo leaves on your audience that really matters. It’s with this knowledge that LMD captures and communicates the essence of our clients’ brands to their audiences. 

That’s our story. How can we help tell yours?


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