The Magnificent Marjorie Merriweather Post
For most of my life, I have lived three miles from Merriweather Post Pavilion (MPP) in Columbia, MD, and now LMD is moving our headquarters to the thriving Merriweather district. MPP is a music venue named after Marjorie Merriweather Post, but I had never taken the time to learn about its history or the woman it was named after until now.
For Women’s History Month, I decided to read The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post, a historical novel about her life by Allison Pataki. Marjorie was an only child, like me, and her greatest influence was her father, C. W. Post. Marjorie was very observant of her father as he rose out of adversity and became an entrepreneur. She too embraced the role of entrepreneur at an early age and was one of America’s first prominent female executives.
Marjorie inherited her father’s business, which became popular for reinventing breakfast with a caffeine-free coffee substitute called Postum and a healthy cereal branded Grape-Nuts. She had an aptitude for product marketing and expanded the business through an acquisition strategy that included acquiring companies such as Hellman’s Mayonnaise, Jello-O, Baker’s Chocolate, Maxwell House, and Birdseye. Her acquisition of Birdseye was most significant because she recognized that their approach to freezing food was an innovative breakthrough. By 1929, her company was renamed General Foods Corporation and she served as its director until 1958.
In addition to her business endeavors, she was a philanthropist. Marjorie contributed to organizations such as the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, National Symphony Orchestra, Kennedy Center, and more. Her funding of the National Symphony Orchestra is her connection to my hometown of Columbia, MD. The site of Merriweather Post Pavilion opened in 1967 and was originally envisioned to be the home of the National Symphony Orchestra and a place that would provide free concerts to the community in Symphony Woods.
Marjorie was very well-connected with presidents and dignitaries and hosted elaborate parties at her many estates. In fact, her most notable property is Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL, now owned by President Trump, which she willed to the federal government in 1973 as a retreat for presidents. She is also known for her jewelry and art, including an extensive Fabergé collection that can be viewed today at Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens in Washington, DC.
The book covers all aspects of Marjorie’s life, including her love interests and four husbands. It didn’t explore her business role as much as I would have hoped, but I was left with a real appreciation of her willingness to take business risks. She was a trailblazer, making her mark as a business leader long before women had the right to vote.